Power Delivery

We provide various services for power delivery.

Temporary Overhead:

Temporary overhead power poles have to comply with both national electrical code and your local power companies specifications. We handle everything except the account setup with the utility provider. Just let us know when and where and we will set the pole and get your ready, service your needs during the construction, and remove it when we are done.

Temporary Underground:

We also provide underground temporary services. We will advise you on what’s best for running the power to your new temporary power stand. Some areas the power company digs the trench for the power and some places we provide that service. We will always do what cost you the least amount of money and what makes the most common sense for you.

Permanent Overhead & Underground:

Always to code and again we will provide everything needed for your job. We will always provide labeling and a whole home surge protection device. We also provide an emergency shut off switch for the whole house.

Interlock switches & Automatic Switches for Generators:

It is best to add the capability for a generator at the time of the installation. We can help you decide what’s best for you. We install both temporary small generator outlets and permanent whole home generator hookups.

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